We should also note that some empires pretend they represent anti-imperial, or at least, anti-colonial forces, even as they wax or wane in power, and that this is part of the shadow game of empires. I am not the empire, YOU are. In more honest medieval times surviving losers just sort out comfort and materiele at the enemy's enemy court.

The de facto American Empire post WW2 'neo-colonialist' empire shows how a birth of nations was used to do this. Currently the failing, or continuing to fail, empire, that of Putin's Russia①argues for territorial de jure 'realities' which it cannot deliver on, while posing as anti-colonial adjutant in resource-rich developing countries, and while offering to aspiring revolutionaries in even poorer places a place in a meat wave, as well as offering on the home front a Русский мир or Russian peace/world/order package. Whether this package is a totalising epistemic enclave or not, it does seem based on a godly providence (if we regard the KGB/FSB as a type of Bene Gesserit deep state in the galactic empire) but swapping in christ-like misery for predestination. (They are not a deep state they were jus torganised in a time of uncertainty.) (Deep state are a conspiracy theorist's projection, many real conspiracies start off as paranoid theories about what they are doing beyond the bubble I know so well). In some bubbles all other bubbles are a threat, this is probably why empires and disgruntled demagogue baiters tend towards one folk/god/ruler solutions.

If we follow Beckwith's Scythian thesis, where all empires always seek to be world governments of the one folk/leader/god stripe, this may be an aesthetic consistency in intention, or in how they can muster an audience, but in practical terms may be simply because they do not know where their borders are (Vlad Vexler), there is never a clear separation between de facto and de jure. The bigger an empire the more unclear it all is, oneness beckons in the fog, a strange attracter in the complexity of a ruler's, or an elite's life. Chaos surfers like Putin take it in their stride.

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius (Kill them. For the Lord knows who are His.)

Massacres by squatters in Australia being the classic example, the few cases that came to caught never put the empire in danger. Was the empire ever going to say, oh our bad, we didn't realise you people had worlds, bubbles, enclaves of you own, and any way they were just naughty boys... we'll all get better, I promise.

Confusion reigns in the empire, even the one empire, if only because there are those who act in the name of empire, and those who can get away with stuff as a benefit of empire membership.

Oneness beckons like the dark side.


People used to only use the word elite to refer to actually rich and really powerful people who regarded themselves as Society (later bowdlerised as 'high society') Now very rich people in their own bubbles and power pretend they are not the elite. Now the elite is always someone else. Deniability is key here. People want all the goodies, and the credit, or at least brand name recognition (Elon Musk), but no responsibility. (Counter-signalling is a word apparently).

I live in Tasmania, an outpost of a British Empire that celebrated Empire Day long after de facto reality was lost. Mostly because no one wanted to cancel fireworks night. A curious case of the parochial using imperial on its own terms. The landed gentry or property elite here are just middle class now too apparently, they all still send their daughters to the wife factory of St Michael's Collegiate, and sons to it's equivalent, but they are all almost bowing as they scrap the money together to pay for the tradie at the door come to repair the plumbing. They are the new power that Murdoch courst with an anti-elite discourses. Now in reality, no one here in Tasmania is the elite 'of which you speak' Mr Murdoch, but the Murdoch shills have paid mountebanks and unpaid fools on call who will call me elite and have a hair-trigger ready to the fire the word 'snowflake' at me if I complain. Fortunately I cannot hear them anymore, social media is a moat that keeps them at bay.

I understand Rupert Murdoch has married yet again, and yet again to some dubious foreign power's citizen. Maybe by these acts of sharing a life (with pre-nuptials) he hopes to prove he is not the elite at using leveraging to own preference A shares with Saudi backing while the sheeple buy his non-voting preference B shares on the stock market, but what would I know.

What use is an elite that says it is not an elite, and some other group is the elite, but they have no power at all. Its a blame game, perhaps between old money and new, between empires failing and neo-ing.


I am very interested in the word 'world'. A good world government would not be an empire, seeking order among it's own confounding confusions of borders, caste classes and bureaucracies, but a government that worlds.

Of course, at this point one would be correct in thinking me an anarchist.

The 'world' is created in empathy, in the same way that we self. The world is a type of self we inhabit with others. It is like the self that is not us, of course, lots of people are not us so it is a complex thing. It is a shared, but individually felt, umwelt that can absorb the extended phenotypes of many of us, as kith and kin. We thing the world around us in meetings, as we should, that is why we should, and politics' use of violence is just worlding by other means.

The clash of iron on bronze has worlded power for too long. We must begin again, and this time we should not take our eye of narcissists and psychopaths.

The self=world. This is a Janus dance of ratios. The empire is the smallest part, it is one.


_________①(wasn't it the German Princess Catherine that married well, who fined people who continued to call it Muscovy, it would be like calling the USA New York I guess) (or is this a furphy).

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