Also, speaking of archaeology, or paleontology, I see taphonomy as a better model/metaphor for inter-relating floaters (including epistemic enclaves) than genealogy in a worlding frameology (into which epistemology and ontologies collapse, initially with a blur). The creative aspects of mathematics and logic (in analogy at least) are an outcome of this (possible or proposed) process which is more metaphoric and compositional, and two-faced.

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Thank you for bringing taphonomy to my attention.

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BTW one can extend the taphonomic metaphor back into life, as skeletons can be regarded as 'fossilised' movement of muscle against the earth carried within (although bones are more seashell in actual orgin)… — i riff here upon these fancies https://whyweshould.loofs-samorzewski.com/mapping-the-gap-within.html in a rant against the grammarian within us all

also I realised yesterday taphonomic processes do not require the genetic bottlenecks of reproduction, (though no doubt they may be included like every other process in the universe that harbours infiltration and informational "recordkeeping" the track, the trace the interference) this lack of requirement may be the greatest boon of this metaphor compared to genealogy.

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"floating chronologies" : "epistemic enclaves" Would be an interesting proportionate analogy.

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