The day is nest to the owl egg of evening. Logic is a hindsight born at dusk where wisdom dawns; when/where our ancestors seem as children to us, but are in fact our parents. Time fractals perspectives without fracturing experience, thus we are confounded in the gap between us and the overview we seek. So we dance the 'cosm and find no relief.

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No Rome' Christianity invented this…:

Bertrand Russell also said that, in Hegel, freedom was the freedom to obey the police:

“Hegel, who owed much to Rousseau, adopted his misuse of the word ‘freedom,’ and defined it as the right to obey the police, or something not very different.”

Here freedom = conscience as in free will, not the power to (e.g. enslave others).

Your conscience polices you to choose to obey the Church (who tells you what, when, how and if, to believe).

If so this criticism is a protestant one about the HRC' offshoot of Brandenburg (who were not very Catholic by this time curiously).

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