"Also, I’m sympathetic to big history, which is very much an interdisciplinary undertaking. But I also have second thoughts about interdisciplinarity. I am beginning to see the purported interdisciplinary sciences are more like a scientific pastiche that take a bit from here and a bit from there and mix in a few folk concepts for good measure. Of course, it doesn’t have to be like this, and I have argued many times for the value of interdisciplinary scientific inquiry, but we also need to recognize when interdisciplinary science goes terribly wrong. I don’t have any of this adequately formulated, but I will work on it."
"Also, I’m sympathetic to big history, which is very much an interdisciplinary undertaking. But I also have second thoughts about interdisciplinarity. I am beginning to see the purported interdisciplinary sciences are more like a scientific pastiche that take a bit from here and a bit from there and mix in a few folk concepts for good measure. Of course, it doesn’t have to be like this, and I have argued many times for the value of interdisciplinary scientific inquiry, but we also need to recognize when interdisciplinary science goes terribly wrong. I don’t have any of this adequately formulated, but I will work on it."
Yes I am in exactly the same place.
And that's why we've stumbled into each other in interdisciplinary Limbo.