1 Comment

Great sketch.

"a core cognitive modernity that occurred in early Homo sapiens while still in Africa "

This is my main working lead or at least resting point, and that take-off took a very long time and migration (not expansion per se) is key, I suspect there is intra-Africa movements which are not yet clear to us.

It is also important to remember that the context for inter-Homo hybridity, that it has to support the mating of a hundred fertile matings & successfully raised "baby-events "for each mating "event" to appear in the record. The supposition being it leaves no record to be seen in our DNA if smaller than this number (I remember it as a hundred but it might be some other number). It's not like we hooked up one summer evening. There was worlding going-on. This requires some cognitive effort among peeps. At the very least to parallel process sub-routines of the process, which strict alpha dominated hierarchies are unlikely to do well at. Especially if the top-down commands come from an idiot.

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