Comment two:

“We men of the Western Culture are, with our historical sense, an exception and not a rule. World-history is our world picture and not all mankind’s.” (p. 15) This could be taken in a parochial sense..

I think I world in a parochial sense and do so because of sense of big history in my sense of self. To world is to self by other means. And vice versa.

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Hence, “He who saves a single life, saves the world entire.” And its unspoken corollary, “He who ends a single life, ends the world entire.”

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Comment one:

"(of which I have since lost track, and I have not been able to find it again despite my attempts) "

this happened today to a post I read yesterday (I'm blaming an upgrade for the lack of it in my browser history) something about USA academics being more obstreperous than outside USA

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